Saturday, January 22, 2011

Word! #10


1. very skilled; proficient; expert:
2. One fully skilled or well versed in anything

Personal definition: 
Very skilled and talented.

Part of speech:

Other forms: 

a·dept·ly, adverb
a·dept·ness, noun
non·a·dept, adjective
non·a·dept·ly, adverb
non·a·dept·ness, noun
un·a·dept, adjective
un·a·dept·ly, adverb
un·a·dept·ness, noun

1. He was a very adapt runner, he broke the world record.
2. He is an adapt swimmer, he received 7 gold medals at the Olympics.

Where to use:
A good place to use this would be at a banquet, describing your star athlete. Another good place would be when you are talking about a very skilled person and want to encourage and recognize them for that.

I rate this word 5 stars. The word is not used very often, and i personally had no idea that adept meant skillful, and I don't think that many people have any clue that that is what it means, which makes it a really unique word. 

Accomplished is a synonym in the way that they both mean to accomplish and achieve some goal of sorts. They're different in the the fact that accomplished is more of the afterwards outcome, being skillful could be forever. You don't always have to be skillful to be accomplished. 

Amateur is almost the opposite of adept in the way that amateur is someone who isn't that good at something, and they're probably not very accomplished. 

this is an example of an adept athlete. He has to be skillful to get 7 medals at the Olympics and break a couple world records in the process. 

This is an example of an adept Athlete, he is said to be the world's best soccer player, therefore he is very skillful. 

Definition citations:
1. "Abstain | Define Abstain at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 23 Jan. 2011. 
2. "Abstain | Define Abstain at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 23 Jan. 2011. 

Word! #9


1. a complete change of form, structure, or substance, as transformation by magic or witchcraft.

2. A transformation, such as that of magic or by sorcery

Personal definition:
To change completely

Part of speech:

Other Forms:
non·met·a·mor·pho·sis, noun, plural 
met·a·mor·pho·size, noun

1. She metamorphosized into new clothes faster than i could blink. 
2. He has metamorphosized so much since last year, i miss the old him. 

Where to use: 
A great time to use this would be in science class, especially if you are talking about changes in experiments, you can really wow your teacher and impress some classmates by using a big word. 

This word gets 5 stars for me. I think that it is such a cool word and this word sounds so cool when you say it. I think it can be used practically anywhere, and has a sophisticated sound to it. 

Mutation is a synonym of this word in the way that they both mean to change. Mutation is more of a dramatic change, this is where something changes into something bad usually. Metamorphosis can be a little change, or a huge change but mutation is more intense of a change. 

Static is an antonym of metamorphosis in the way that static means to be still and not move. If  metamorphosis means to change then these words are almost exactly opposite. 

Here this picture shows how the ladybug goes through a couple stages of metamorphosis and changes its body multiple times.
This is an example of a metamorphosis in the way that it shows how a car changes it's shape and form while it's driving up towards us, and then it turns into a bird and flies away, so it changes forms completely. 

Definition citations:
1. "Metamorphosis | Define Metamorphosis at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 23 Jan. 2011. 
2."Metamorphosis - Wiktionary." Wiktionary, the Free Dictionary. Web. 23 Jan. 2011. 

Word! #8

Definitions: hold oneself back voluntarily, esp. from something regarded as improper or unhealthy

2. Refrain from (something); hold one's self aloof; to forbear or keep from doing, especially an indulgence of the passions or appetites; -- with from; To shun voluntarily; Deliberately refrain from casting one's vote at a meeting where one is present; Hinder; withhold.

Personal definition:
To hold back from doing something willingly.
Part of speech: 
verb (used with object)

Other forms: 

non·ab·stain·ing, adjective
o·ver·ab·stain, verb (used without object)

1. I abstained myself when she called me that name and threw a pillow at me. 

2. It wasn't that hard to abstain from taking a slice of cake, even though i hadn't had sweets in a month. 

Where to use:
you could use this word anywhere, but a good place to use it would be to use it in class. You can really wow your teachers and use it in front of them, or you can wow your parents and use it at home. 

I rate this 5 stars because it's a type of word that people know of, but they don't really know what it means, so it's tricky and sophisticated in that way. 

decline is a synonym of abstain because they both mean to turn down, or not do something. Decline is different in the way that it's more of a response to a question. abstain is more of the fact of holding yourself back from doing something. 

Indulge is an antonym of abstain in the way that indulge means to be a part of, or including yourself in something. abstain is to not get yourself involved and refraining. 

This is an example of abstain because it's showing all of the cats not getting involved in the voting, kind of refraining from voting. 

This is an example of a lady abstaining from going on the internet. She's bored of it, and she realizes that she doesn't want to involve her time in something that would bore her, so she decides to read a book. 

Definition Citations:
1. "Abstain | Define Abstain at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 23 Jan. 2011. 
2. "Abstain - Wiktionary." Wiktionary, the Free Dictionary. Web. 23 Jan. 2011. 

Word! #7


1.To bring to a state of peace, quiet, ease, calm; pacify; soothe

2.To make quiet; to reduce to a state of peace; to dispel (anger or hatred); To come to terms with; to adapt to the demands of

Personal definition: 
To calm, and come to peace with something. 

Part of speech:
verb (used with object)

other forms:

ap·peas·a·ble, adjective
ap·peas·a·ble·ness, noun
ap·peas·a·bly, adverb
ap·pease·ment, noun
ap·peas·er, noun
ap·peas·ing·ly, adverb
non·ap·peas·a·ble, adjective
non·ap·peas·ing, adjective
un·ap·peas·a·ble, adjective
un·ap·peas·a·b·ly, adverb
un·ap·peased, adjective
un·ap·peas·ing, adjective
un·ap·peas·ing·ly, adverb

1. She appeased the baby after it fell, that it stopped crying immediately. 
2. The way she appeased me after he did that was incredible

Where to use: 
This is one of those words where you can use it anywhere. It would probably be a good idea to use it around grownups because most smaller children don't know what it means. This is one of those words that people know what it means and can use it in a sentence easily. 

I give this word 5 out of 5 stars because it is a well known word. The fact that most people could use this in a sentence and they understand the overall meaning of it, puts it above and beyond other words. 

Calm is a synonym of this word, but different in the way that appease has to have an action come before it to make someone calm or peaceful. If you're calm, it doesn't mean that you were upset before, you could have been calm all along. 

Enrage is almost the exact opposite of appease. Enrage would be to make someone mad, and they will probably not like you. Appease means to calm someone down, and in the end they will probably like you for doing that and helping them. 

This picture describes the word appease. The "client" who ordered the food said the food tasted bad, but he's calming all the chefs down and appeasing to them by saying the food actually wasn't all that bad. 

This video tells you how to appease to monsters. ( I have no clue who this funky kid is..)

Definition Citations:
1. "Appease | Define Appease at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 22 Jan. 2011. 
2. "Appease - Wiktionary." Wiktionary, the Free Dictionary. Web. 22 Jan. 2011.