Sunday, October 31, 2010

Word! #2


What part of speech: Noun
Other forms: Utopian, utopianism
Pronunciation: yoo-toh-pee-uh

1.  any visionary system of political or social perfection.

2.   often capitalized : a place of ideal perfection especially in laws, government, and social conditions

Both of the definitions could be used, but i think that the second one is used more often, because it is more direct, and gets more to the point, in the first one you have kind of big words, and its just a little bit harder to understand. 

  1.         At times this town is so perfect it feels like a utopia, it is a ideal place to live..       
  2.        Due to the recent crimes, Seattle feels as if it is the exact opposite of a utopia. 


  • Perfection; this is almost like a utopia, in the sense as where everything is perfect, there is not struggle, or hardships, or anything like that. 
  • Wonderland; this is another synonym of the word utopia. A wonderland like a utopia is more of a dreamland that everyone is happy and content and there are no worries. 
  • Heaven; is a third synonym of the word utopia. Heaven is a place people can visualize of being perfect or ideal. This is very similar how people would visualize  a utopia. A heaven is a place where people

  • Real world; this is the word most unlike a utopia. A utopia is supposed to be a place opposite of the real world, in the real world their are still problems people have to overcome, unlike a utopia.
  • Dystopia; This is another antonym of the word utopia. A Dystopia is an imaginary place with very poor living conditions, this is opposite from a utopias very good living conditions. 


    When this is best to be used:
    The word utopia is appropriate to use in situations when you are around highly educated people. The word has a historical sound to it. Utopia is not the sort of word you would want to use when you are just hanging out with friends, it is too formal for this.

      We rate the word utopia four out of five stars. It is a intellegent word to use, but utopia is a imaginary place, so there are not many times that it is appropriate to use.  The word utopia is hard to use when your having a regular conversation because it there is not many places to relate a to be as ideal or as perfect as an Utopian society. 


The picture is of the utopia Never neverland.

Definition #1. "Utopia | Define Utopia at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 01 Nov. 2010. <>.

Definition #2. "Utopia - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary." Merriam-Webster Online. Web. 01 Nov. 2010. <>.


Sunday, October 3, 2010

Word! #1

Francine L, Bridgette G, Kara H.

  • 1.Changing frequently, esp. as regards one's loyalties, interests, or affection. 

  • 2. Quick to change one's opinion or allegiance; insincere; not loyal or reliable. 
Both definitions are commonly used, and almost the same idea, but the first definition would probably be more dominantly used. 
What part of speech: adjective 
Other forms; Fickleness(noun), Unfickle(adjective)
Pronunciation: Fik-uhl

  • You may describe my uncle as fickle, he’s had 39 wives.
  • Hayley's fickle injuries make me think she's faking. 

  • Erratic; erratic means not even or regular in pattern or movement; unpredictable. This is different than fickle, because it refers more to movements. "erratic behavior."
  • unstable: not stable; not firm or firmly fixed; unsteady. this is different than fickle because it doesn't mean it changes, it just means it's not steady. like an object, if it's unstable, it will fall over, or tip over. 
  • inconstant: not constant; changeable. this is like fickle, but different because it it usually means the give and take, or the relationship between two or more things, with fickle, it's more of one thing changing.  
  • Steady; even or regular in movement. this is almost the opposite of fickle because it's staying steady and not changing. 
  • reliable; that may be relied on; dependable in achievement, accuracy, honesty. This is almost the opposite of fickle because it's not changing, and you can rely on someone who's reliable, and trust them because they don't change their mind. 

I rate the word fickle with four out of five stars for usefulness. There are many situation where this word can be used, and it can adapt to many different conversations. Situations are often changing and differentiating, and when something is changing fickle would be a great way to describe it! The word fickle pertains in conversations concerning growth, weather, and decisions

when to use: the best time to use this word would be anytime. You can use it to impress your friends, and even to impress your English teacher. you could use it in a breakup with your girlfriend or boyfriend, to tell them they're just changing and not the same person. there are many times you could use it! 


definition 1:                 
"Fickle - Wiktionary." Wiktionary, the Free Dictionary. Ed. Creative Commons Attribution. 3 Sept. 2010. Web. 03 Oct. 2010. <>.

definition 2: "Fickle | Define Fickle at" | Find the Meanings and Definitions of Words at Web. 01 Oct. 2010. <>.